Why SureDefense Strategies?


This could be one of those boring About Us pages that you see on every website. But it’s not…

Instead, let’s talk about you!

You’ve got a business to run and that’s what you think about — running your business. Unless you are in a technical industry or your business focuses on cybersecurity, you’re thinking about running your business, remaining profitable, and how you’re going to take care of your employees. You’re thinking about how you’re going to keep going if the unexpected takes place. In short, your focus is on running the business.

And that’s exactly what you need to be doing.


And that’s where the problem comes in.

Maybe you’ve been reading about cyber attacks against K12 schools or hospitals or municipalities or small businesses. Maybe you’ve been wondering how you can keep that from happening to your business.

You need someone to act as a guide so you can take reasonable actions to best protect your organization. You need someone who will not treat you as just a new source of revenue. You need someone who can objectively lead you from where you are to where you need to be. You need a trusted partner that cares about your business.

You need SureDefense Strategies.


From the moment you contact SureDefense Strategies you will realize that we are different.

  • SureDefense Strategies will take the time to get to know you and understand your business.
  • SureDefense Strategies will help you know where and what you need to be doing to protect the information of your business, your employees, and your customers. We can help you develop a roadmap that takes into account the uniquenesses of your business.
  • SureDefense Strategies will never tell you that you need something just so we can sell it to you! (If you *do* need a box/software/service, SureDefense knows and works with a variety of providers that can sell it to you.) You see, it seems like a conflict of interest to tell you that you need a particular box/software/service and then tell you we can sell it to you!

SureDefense Strategies can help you with both the technical and non-technical aspects of keeping your business safe. And many of the things we help your employees understand can also be done at home to keep their own families safe.

Our business is primarily to help you be successful, safe, and secure.


Are you ready to explore what we can do together?


Click that “Get In Touch Today!” button and let’s see how we can work together!