Be Prepared for Bad Things to Happen!

Be Prepared for Bad Things to Happen!

An Introduction to Incident Response for SMBs Overview Every organization experiences cyberattacks and these are referred to as incidents. Incident almost always refers to something bad happening. Sometimes an incident results in a...

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Basics of Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (sometimes called two-factor authentication or two-step authentication) provides an extra layer of protection for your online accounts. It is like having multiple locks of different types of the door to your...

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So You’ve Moved To The Cloud…Now What?

So You’ve Moved To The Cloud…Now What?

By this point, your business is probably already using the cloud for some pretty critical things. You're probably using Microsoft365 or Google Workspace for email, data storage and/or file sharing. You may also be using Box or Dropbox for...

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How To Do a Cybersecurity Self-Assessment

Every business owner or leader needs to take steps to protect their organization from potential cybersecurity threats. Business leaders know their business but often do not know where to start with identifying where to start their...

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5 Tips For Cybersecurity Awareness

We’ve all heard about the importance of cybersecurity awareness for everyone in our organization. But often we get paralyzed with knowing how to get started.

There are some things you can do to get started that will raise staff understanding and improve the protection of organizational information.

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Setting up Kali in WSL2 on Windows 11

I needed to do some assessment work and the computer I had available was a Windows 11 Pro machine that was joined to an Azure Active Directory (AAD) domain. I wanted to run Kali Linux because some of the desired tools are pre-installed...

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