5 Tips For Cybersecurity Awareness

We’ve all heard the horror stories. Someone in the organization clicked a link in an unexpected email and malicious software was installed on their computer. Or, someone in the organization visited a sketchy website that tricked them into giving up corporate...

Setting up Kali in WSL2 on Windows 11

I needed to do some assessment work and the computer I had available was a Windows 11 Pro machine that was joined to an Azure Active Directory (AAD) domain. I wanted to run Kali Linux because some of the desired tools are pre-installed there Can this be done? Of...

Phishing Backgrounder

Bad Guys are after you. Well, not really you, but they are after your personal and financial information. Not only that, they are after any personal/financial information you may have for other people. The most common way they try to get this information is by sending...